What Is the usage rate for HYGROPUNCH?
The application rate for Hygropunch™ will depend on disease or pest infestation pressure. See the table below for the applications rates. Application rate and interval are also available on the product label. Do not exceed a 4% dilution rate.
How often can I use HYGROPUNCH?
Begin treatment when pest/disease first appears or when conditions are conducive to the development of pest/disease. Reapply at 7-to-10-day intervals for as long as needed. For heavy infestation, shorten the application interval to every 3-4 days.
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are derived from plants through various means. The essential oils used in Hygropunch™ are listed on the label.
Is it safe?
Yes, Hygropunch™ is defined by the US EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) as a minimum risk pesticide – FIFRA 25(b) exempt product, meaning that it poses little to no risk to human health or the environment. Always use the product as directed on the label.
What is the PH of HYGROPUNCH?
A 1% dilution of Hygropunch™ in water has a pH of around 6.5.
Can I use HYGROPUNCH with other products?
Please review the following table for the mixing order:
How does HYGROPUNCH work?
Mode of action – Hygropunch™ coats the pests and causes suffocation by blocking breathing holes. Disrupts cell membrane, causing cell inhibition/death.
What Is the shelf life of HYGROPUNCH?
Does HYGROPUNCH need to be shaken before diluting with water?
After mixing HYGROPUNCH with water at the label rates, I let it sit for some time, can I still use it?
How long does the mixture last opon dilution with water?
Can workers enter the area after HYGROPUNCH is applied?
Does HYGROPUNCH affect plant safety (risk of phytotoxicity)?
Is HYGROPUNCH approved for organic use?
Yes, HYGROPUNCH™ is an OMRI-listed (Organic Materials Review Institute) broad-spectrum contact insecticide, miticide and fungicide. The product contains essential oils for the control and suppression of pests such as spider mites and aphids and diseases such as Powdery Mildew.
You can download the Hygropunch™ OMRI certificate through the OMRI website: About OMRI Listed Products | Organic Materials Review Institute [click here]
Can I spray HYGROPUNCH dyring the flowering/bloom stage?
You can spray Hygroben at a 1% dilution during the first few (2-3) weeks of flower.
All finished here?
We hope this FAQ answered any of your quieries, if not, get in touch and we’ll do our best to help you get the answers you are after.