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Plant Strapper


Save time and effort in your outdoor or indoor garden with the new Easy Grow Plant Strapper. With this new product you can easily and effortlessly secure your plants stems and branches to support steaks, lines, plant poles and trellises.


Fast, Efficient Plant Strapper

Save time and effort in your outdoor or indoor garden with the new Easy Grow Plant Strapper. With this new product you can easily and effortlessly secure your plants stems and branches to support steaks, lines, plant poles and trellises. The Plant Strapper works by looping heavy-duty durable tape around your plant support and secures them together by stapling the ribbon together.

Plant Strapper comes with staples and ribbons as standard. Both the ribbons and staples are sold seperately. View the ribbons here, and the staples here.


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    plant strapper plant poles in allotment

    How to Change & Load new tape

    How to open Tape Holder: 

    • Put your finger on upper part, then open the cover with the thumb pressing the upper part.

    How to load the Tape: 

    • Open the tape holder cover, load the tape as shown and close the cover until it “snaps”.
    • Set the tape while holding the head of the A-type handle unit with left hand and pull the tape downward with right hand.

    How to pull out the Tape: 

    • Slightly squeeze the handles, the sharp hook will pull the tape out from the tape holding guard, then the tape is in the position to wrap. NOTE: After the tape catcher has caught the tape end, do not press the handle harder.
    • Release the handle. The tape will be pulled out.
    • In case the tape catcher does not catch the tape when you grasp the handle, press the handle harder several times until the tape is caught.

      How to Change & Load new tape

      How to open Tape Holder: 

      • Put your finger on upper part, then open the cover with the thumb pressing the upper part.

      How to load the Tape: 

      • Open the tape holder cover, load the tape as shown and close the cover until it “snaps”.
      • Set the tape while holding the head of the A-type handle unit with left hand and pull the tape downward with right hand.

      How to pull out the Tape: 

      • Slightly squeeze the handles, the sharp hook will pull the tape out from the tape holding guard, then the tape is in the position to wrap. NOTE: After the tape catcher has caught the tape end, do not press the handle harder.
      • Release the handle. The tape will be pulled out.
      • In case the tape catcher does not catch the tape when you grasp the handle, press the handle harder several times until the tape is caught.

        How to Bind Objects

        How to Bind Objects: 

        • Press the tape against the object until it is positioned inside the tapetool.
        • Press the handle fully with the tape positioned centrally until you feel a crunch and the object will be bound with both tape and staple. Simultaneously the tape will be cut off.
        •  You can now easily strap top heavy plants and perform rapid strapping effortlessly.

          How to Load new Staples

          How to Load New Staples: 

          • Hold the device with left hand, push up the knob of the pusher unit with right hand and pull it out backwards.

          • Pick up the staples with right hand and load them into the magazine unit with the staple legs pointing downward and set them in the pusher unit. You can load 200 staples of 604C type.

            Instruction Sheet

             Click here or on the image to view the plant strapper instruction sheet.


              Easy Grow Ltd | Hydroponic Wholesale
              Easy Grow Ltd | Hydroponic Wholesale