by Easy Grow Ltd | Jun 17, 2016 | Growing Blog, Hydro Knowledge, News, Plant Success Guides
Preventing Powdery Mildew Learning from the Dutch: Preventing Powdery Mildew Travelling to the Netherlands is an eye-opening experience. The Dutch grow nearly all of their vegetables in zero-runoff hydroponic systems in sophisticated computer-controlled greenhouses....
by Easy Grow Ltd | Apr 5, 2016 | Growing Blog, Hydro Knowledge, News, Plant Success Guides
Is Potassium Sulfate Organic? K POTASSIUM 100% Water Soluble Powdered Potassium Boosts flower production Stimulates early growth Increases protein production Improves the efficiency of water use Improves resistance to disease and insect Boosts flower production...
by Easy Grow Ltd | Mar 16, 2016 | Growing Blog, Hydro Knowledge, News, Plant Success Guides
The Secrets of Seaweed Extracts K POTASSIUM 100% Water Soluble Powdered Kelp Boosts flower production Stimulates early growth Increases protein production Improves the efficiency of water use Improves resistance to disease and insects Boosts flower production... by Easy Grow Ltd | Feb 18, 2016 | Growing Blog, Hydro Knowledge, News, Plant Success Guides
What areL-Amino Acids? OminA POTASSIUM 100% Water Soluble Powdered Amino Acids Protects plants from temperature stress Chelates Calcium Prevents the formation of limescale Takes up water and nutrients more efficiently Plants grown with l-amino acid supplements are... by Easy Grow Ltd | Jan 27, 2016 | Growing Blog, Hydro Knowledge, News, Plant Success Guides
fixing nitrogen:Nature’s way Did you know that there is more nitrogen in the air we breathe than there is oxygen? Much more! The atmosphere contains over 78% nitrogen and only about 21% oxygen, with about 1% argon and other trace gasses making up the balance.... by Easy Grow Ltd | Jan 15, 2016 | Growing Blog, Hydro Knowledge, News, Plant Success Guides
Flowable Silicafor plants Silicon is one of the most abundant elements found in soil, comprising 50-70% of soil mass, and some plants have been shown to accumulate large amounts of silica in their tissues. In fact, silica can often accumulate in plant tissues to...
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